Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Ancient Chinese Method Of Weight Loss

by Karina Jacobsen

For many years, modern medicine has tried to answer the question of how to lose weight. The answer may lie in Qi Gong. The use of Qi Gong can be traced back to China and is a method of self discovery. As you gain awareness of how your body functions you will gain more control of those functions leading to healthier living.

Most people get discouraged while dieting. They see constant shifts of the scale going back and forth and hope that there are more weight loss days than weight gain days. Meanwhile they are dreading the approach of each meal when they must avoid what they enjoy eating and instead eat only whatever the newest fad diet calls for. These diets are broad in nature and are not tailored for each specific person's body. There is no room for experimentation and self discovery. Qi Gong takes a different approach. Qi Gong teaches you to become aware of your body and to learn how each part works by itself and together with the other parts. It encourages you to learn for yourself what is best for your body rather than relying on advice from someone who has never met you. Qi Gong will lead you to a life long method of self discovery and self improvement.

Many people suffer from decreased digestion rates which can lead to digestive disorders due to the inability of the body to absorb or get rid of food as quickly as it needs to. By performing simple exercises each day, you will be losing weight, not only through exercising, but also due to an increased digestion rate and a faster metabolism. The secret to weight loss is not just the food you are eating, but how your body processes this food. By regularly practicing Qi Gong, you will maintain these increases and be able to eat the things you and your body enjoy.

Because of the results being achieved through the use of Qi Gong, several studies have been done on its effectiveness, including by the U.S. National Institute of Health. It has also been recognized as an effective method of weight control and loss by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Gi Gong relies on five basic areas to cleanse your Qi (which translates roughly to "vital life force"). These are: (1) posture, (2) gravity, (3) breath, (4) mind, and (5) movement. Qi Gong focuses on each area individually and then on bringing them all into balance.

A simple exercise you may wish to try is to begin by standing with your legs slightly apart. Raise your hands above your head and slowly bring them down, palms down and fingers pointing at each other, until you reach the level of your stomach. Slowly move your hands away from your body while maintaining them at the same level. You may feel a pulling sensation out of your stomach, like your stomach and hands are connected. When this occurs, slowly begin to bring your hands apart until you feel that connection has reached its maximum point. Hold this position until you feel it start to slip away, then slowly return your hands back together to the point of beginning. The first couple of times you attempt this, you may not feel that "connection", but it will come as you become more aware of your body.

If modern medicine hasn't given you the results you like or you just aren't happy with removing something from your life you enjoy, you may wish to look further into studying Qi Gong.

Karina Jacobsen is a staff writer at Wellness Digest and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including Alternative Health Advisor.

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Cellulite Treatment Options

by Susan Megge

We women are sick and tired of the dimples that seem to cling to our thighs; they're not cute, happy dimples, but rather ugly "cottage cheesy" cellulite. We want beautiful, smooth legs that we can be proud to show off, and not feel that it's necessary to wear shorts or a sarong over our bathing suits in order to protect spectators from such a dreadful sight. Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure for cellulite, but there are treatments available that may (and I do mean "may") help some women get just a little bit of temporary improvement. Treatments for cellulite range from harmless and barely effective to potentially harmful with no proven effectiveness, but some are worth looking into.

What is Cellulite?

Believe it or not, the fat in cellulite is just plain old fat, the same as any other fat on your body. The term cellulite became popular in 1973 by an author and spa owner, and refers to the dimpled appearance of the skin seen in areas of the hips, thighs, and buttocks. As you may know, cellulite is more common in women because of the way a women's body distributes fat. Experts estimate that about 85% of women develop cellulite. Because men have thicker skin, which is much better at hiding the fat beneath, it's not likely that you'll see a lot of men with cellulite.

Treatment Options

Cellulite is perfectly normal and isn't a disease, therefore, there is no cure. There are, however, options available to reduce cellulite and its appearance. Sticking to a regular exercise routine, eating a healthy diet lower in calories and fat, and maintaining a healthy weight may work as a cellulite treatment for some people.

Losing weight will most definitely reduce the proportion of fat in your body, thus reducing the proportion of the fat that's trapped in cellulite, but you may still notice some amount of cellulite on your trouble areas. This is due to the fact that the appearance of cellulite is genetically predetermined and in some cases diet and exercise don't make a significant improvement.

Topical Creams

As you know, there is a number of creams available claiming to reduce and eliminate the appearance of cellulite. Generally, if a cream is to be effective the results are modest and usually not permanent, but some experts suggest if you're determined to give the creams a try, it's a good idea to look for those products that contain caffeine or theophylline. While some studies suggest that these ingredients may have an effect on cellulite and cause fat cells to dissolve, other studies disagree. Some experts even go so far as to say that applying a cream to your cellulite will not be effective since your skin was designed as a protective barrier - to keep things out. That being said, there are many people who have used cellulite creams and believe that they have seen results. If you want to try a cellulite cream, it's strongly recommended that you purchase a less expensive cream, as usually the ingredients don't differ from the more expensive brands.


A very well-know treatment for cellulite is Endermologie, a deep-massage, which uses a device that suctions the skin with a vacuum and kneads it with a set of rollers. Some studies have shown the deep-tissue massage can break up some of the fibrous bands, assist with circulation, and improve the appearance of the skin. While this treatment may work for some women, the effects don't last and you'll need regular maintenance treatments to keep the desired appearance.

Typically, Endermologie sessions can cost anywhere from $100 to several hundred dollars, and are performed weekly, usually taking about an hour per session.

Some people have seen excellent results with this treatment, but it can be costly, therefore, it's best to go this route only if you have a significant amount of disposable income.


Mesotherapy, involves a series of injections into small pockets of cellulite. They contain a solution (a combination of homeopathic medications and supplements) that is supposed to break down fat and flush it away. While this treatment is widely accepted in Europe, it has not been scientifically studied in the United States and many experts are skeptical of its effectiveness.

Due to the lack of scientific proof, this treatment is not recommended, as the risk for side effects from several injections is certainly a possibility. Additionally, Mesotherapy can be quite expensive, with individual sessions costing perhaps hundreds of dollars.

Herbal Medicines

To date there has been no proof that any combination of herbs or vitamins is known to be effective in treating cellulite. If you'd like to attempt this treatment, however, it's a good idea to check with your health care provider first, since it can cause dangerous interactions with other medications. Don't let the term "natural" mislead you; even natural substances can be dangerous.


The average woman may think that liposuction is the perfect remedy for cellulite since what they're trying to do is eliminate fat and that's what liposuction does, right? Unfortunately, liposuction is designed to eliminate fat that's deep beneath the skin. As you know, cellulite is nearly right at the surface of the skin. Additionally, it's the fibrous bands that give cellulite its dimply appearance, so eliminating the fat alone won't really give the results you're looking for.

So what's the Answer?

In the end, there's not a whole lot of evidence to show that any treatment is effective in treating cellulite. If you're at your wits end and are determined to do something, it's best to experiment with a treatment that poses no health risks. Keep in mind, however, that the results will likely be modest and you shouldn't invest too much money - at least until a treatment is developed whose results are proven effective.

My advice is to do the best you can with diet and exercise - and creams if you choose - but the next time you get really discouraged, pick up a tabloid magazine and take a look at some of the photos of the "perfect" and "beautiful" celebrities; they have cellulite too, and they also have endless amounts of cash. If even the richest women in the world are dealing with cellulite there's a good chance we average women will have to accept it (at least some amount of cellulite) too.

Susan Megge is the founder of, a website designed to assist women as they approach and experience menopause. Susan, a health and fitness expert started experiencing symptoms of menopause several years ago and researched various avenues to deal with these symptoms naturally.

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How to Avoid Getting Obese

by Callie Armstrong

Obesity is not an easy health problem to deal with. To achieve the correct help for obesity, it takes a lot of dedication and persistence in trying to achieve the normal weight. The first and most important step is to control the composition of your diet, thus dropping your insulin levels and signaling your body to stop storing fat cells.

In order to control your insulin, one must eat a proper diet and exercise regularly. Regular exercise can be as simple as walking around the neighborhood when you go buy groceries. Remember that it is possible that obesity can be beaten, as long as you start a fitness and nutrition plan that fits you and do your best to stick with it. Here are a few tips to help you start eating and living right.

Eat 4-6 small meals per day.
Your body must be supplied with the nutrients it needs to survive and provide you with good quality health. These small meals will give your body the nutrition and energy needed to make it through the day. If these are prepared as low fat diets and contain adequate calories, they will serve as excellent source of helping with obesity in a more realistic way without starving yourself.

Seek help from a professional.
Another way to help with obesity is to ask expert advice from a physician specializing in obesity. Joining a group (such as Overeaters Anonymous or Weight Watchers) will greatly help you in beating obesity since you can get from them all the advice, tips and support that you need. These groups are people just like you who are experiencing some of the same trials of beating obesity.

The key to help with obesity is eating proper nutrients in moderation, exercise, and the desire to beat obesity. By beating obesity, you will lower your risks for heart disease, cancer, and Type II diabetes.

Callie Armstrong is a writer for Her insights on dieting, exercise and health can be read at

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The Important Role of Water in Weight Loss

by Callie Armstrong

How well our body functions does not depend entirely on a balanced diet and adequate exercise. It actually depends to the amount of water we take, meaning the more fresh water we drink, the healthier we become. Drinking the right amount of water daily will also help one in achieving successful weight loss. This article will tell you the many advantages and benefits that drinking water brings.

Advantages of Drinking Water

1. Water helps maintain muscle tone, weight loss, clear and healthy skin.

2. It helps prevent lower back pain, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, headaches, migraines, asthma, allergies, colitis, rheumatoid, arthritis, depression, hypertension, cholesterol, hangovers, neck pain, muscle pain, joint pain, bloating, constipation, ulcers, low energy levels, stomach pain, confusion and disorientation.

3. Water regulates body temperature, remove toxins and wastes, cushion and lubricate joints, lower risk of kidney stones, protect tissues, organs and the spinal cord from shock and damage.

4.Water assists in the digestion & absorption of food, and in transporting oxygen and nutrients to the cells. Drinking water is extremely beneficial for weight loss.

More Water Intake, More Benefits

1. Water contains no calories, fat, or cholesterol and is low in sodium It is also a natural appetite suppressant. Studies have proved that a low consumption of water allows more fat to be deposited instead of being metabolized into energy. Thus, higher the consumption of water, lower is the amount of fat deposited.

2. Water regulates all bodily functions including the activities of circulating and dissolving. Every enzymatic and chemical reaction of the body occurs in the presence of water.

3.Water also transports hormones, nutrients, oxygen and antibodies through the blood stream and lymphatic system.

4.Our bodies' proteins and enzymes are more efficient in solutions of lower viscosity (i.e., diluted), thus helping in weight loss and fitness. Muscles are primarily composed of water. Therefore, it's only logical to drink lots of water if you want to have more muscle mass. Water also ensures that a proper muscle contraction can be achieved so that the working muscle is properly exhausted. This again prevents deposition of fat.

This is no diet fad and is fully-based on solid research about its functions in the body. These benefits are so many, maybe you would reconsider choosing water over soda. Go on and load some of that good stuff after reading this article.

Callie Armstrong is a writer for Her insights on dieting, exercise and health can be read at

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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Ten Important Things You Should Know About Weight Loss

by Mary Leahy

1) Rather than try diet after diet, you need to understand your body and how it uses the food it is given. Know which foods cause weight gain and which ones help you lose weight. This may vary from person to person.

2) You need to know and understand your metabolism. Your metabolism plays a major role in weight gain or weight loss. Your metabolism is controlled by the different types of foods you give your body. Some foods will cause the metabolism to become sluggish or shut down completely leading to weight gain. You need to have a good understand on which foods to eat to speed up the metabolism in order to lose weight, and which ones that cause weight gain.

3) When following a specific diet or a fad diet, certain foods may be eliminated, but this can lead to weight gain rather than weight loss. Our body requires certain foods in order to work properly. Understanding and knowing which these foods are will help you towards losing weight.

4) Todays eating habits have gotten so out of control that it is not a wonder our bodies have gotten out of control. We have a tendency today to skip meals or even avoid foods that are necessary to maintain a healthy metabolism/body. But in doing so, for example, you skip meals or eat just once a day, then you risk putting your body's metabolism into "starvation mode". That means everything you eat goes to fat stores to be used later as your body does not understand food is available and it will be fed later.

5) Portion sizes have increased. With all the super sizing and bulk packages we now have we expect more. But by eating larger amounts at a time, our bodies can not use up all this extra food, which leads to ours bodies getting larger/fat. Getting back to eating smaller meals more often and eating the right combination of foods, should help you lose or control your weight.

6) Some diet programs require you to buy their products however, you will only achieve any weight loss while you consuming the product. This makes you dependent on their product. Wouldn't it better to control your weight naturally rather than depend on products, which can become costly? 7) Diet pills and diet shakes may contain caffeine or amphetamines, which will artificially speed up your metabolism. Over time this can be harmful to your health or may become addictive. Get proper weight control naturally, not artificially.

When we are trying to control our weight, eating the proper foods should not be difficult. Losing weight should not be a struggle nor should it be difficult to introduce good eating habits into your lifestyle. But first, you have to want to understand how certain foods affect your body and also how the body uses the food it is given.

8) Teach your children/family proper nutrition and good eating habits. It is better and also easier to introduce healthy eating habits when your family are young rather than try to change their eating habits later. If your family is eating healthy it will be easier to lose and control your weight.

9) If you follow a diet that stops you eating foods you enjoy and forces you to eat foods which you do not like you will feel cheated and will fall back into your bad eating habits. Follow a program that fits your schedule and your metabolic needs.

10) Exercise is also needed for weight loss. This does not mean getting a membership at your local gym and fitness centre or running a marathon. You need muscle in order to burn fat. If you have been overweight for a period of time you probably have lost your muscle tone. You will have to work on getting some of that back in order to lose weight.

A few simple changes will help get you started. Walk up and down stairs rather than taking the elevator or escalator. If you have a dog, take it for a walk a couple of times a day. Instead of jumping into the car to go to the local shop or dropping the kids off to school, walk if it is within a reasonable distance. If you work or attend classes make time for a walk or a little exercise during your lunch break. If you have to sit most of the day, make a point of getting up periodically and doing a brisk walk around. If you have to stand in one spot for long periods of time, do some jumping jacks or jog on the spot.

Once you start incorporating some exercise into your daily routine, you will find you have more energy and you will also find you will start shedding some of your weight.

Healthy eating habits, knowing what foods to eat, eating smaller portions, and understanding your body and its metabolism is the long term answer for losing weight and also how to keeping it off.

Mary Leahy is a registered nurse with many years experience in nutrition and understands the benefits of a healthier lifestyle. She had the opportunity to observe and study a variety of cultures and their eating habits. With the help of her husband they came up with a healthy eating program designed to help you understand food, lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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